In the modern age, time is worth its weight in gold, and in the pursuit of everything at once, men often neglect good nutrition, most often making do with snacks or food at quick service points. And this can not affect the improvement of male potency.

It's no secret that vitamins are important for potency, and in some cases, a lack of vitamins can cause problems with erection and sexual activity.
Let's see what vitamins are important for improving male potency.
Group A
Retinol and provitamin beta-carotene are important components not only for the functioning of the genitourinary system and healthy immunity, but also occupy the first place in a number of vitamins to improve the potency and quality of men's intimate life. They are also responsible for the production of sex hormones and sperm quality. To improve potency, vitamin A must be present in the diet of every man.
Vitamin A is not unavailable, but is found in a number of common foods, such as yolk, pumpkin, butter, parsley, carrots, cod, beef liver and many others. Remember that vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. Therefore, if your choice fell on the same carrot to improve potency and make up for the lack of retinol, that is, you need it with sour cream or butter, otherwise there will be little sense, and this will not affect the improvement of potency in any way. And if your choice fell on pharmaceutical preparations, then it is important to know that retinol is not compatible with alcohol - this combination can cause irreparable harm to the liver.
Group B

Vitamins for potency increase from group B are traditionally used to treat various neurological diseases, but in addition, scientists have noticed that these vitamins improve the production of the main male hormone testosterone. And also, by stimulating the work of the nervous system, they increase arousal and increase sensitivity. What B vitamins are important for men and where they are found - we will consider in more detail below:
- AToneor thiamine. This vitamin reduces fatigue and tones. It is found in peas, soybeans, beans, wholemeal products and fatty meats.
- AT2or riboflavin. Participates in all metabolic processes in the body of a man, thereby stimulating the work of the genitourinary system and, as a result, improves erection. Especially a lot of it is found in dairy products and white cabbage.
- AT3or nicotinic acid. Participates in protein synthesis and spermatogenesis. Found in nuts, buckwheat, chicken, salmon and peanuts.
- AT5or pantothenic acid. Participates in the release of energy, which has a positive effect on sexual activity and improves potency. Source B5are green vegetables, organ meats and legumes.
- AT6or pyridoxine. Participates in the production of serotonin. Contained in dairy and meat products, nuts.
- AT7or biotin. Releases energy from calories, tones and gives strength. Lots of it in legumes and nuts.
- AT9or folic acid. It is indispensable in the healthy functioning of the reproductive system of the male body. Participates in the construction of healthy spermatozoa and in the synthesis of many hormones that directly or indirectly affect the increase in potency and improve sexual activity.
- Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12. It strengthens the immune system, participates in hematopoiesis, has a tonic effect on the nervous system, normalizes blood pressure and improves the general condition. Cyanocobalamin is a substance that has a positive effect on the reproductive organs of not only women, but also men, normalizing the content of spermatozoa in seminal fluid.
Vitamin C

Vitamin C is found in fresh vegetables and fruits. Citrus fruits are also rich in ascorbic acid. In winter, the lack of vitamin C is perfectly replenished with sauerkraut.
It is directly involved in the sexual activity of men, since vitamin C directly affects the production and level of various hormones that increase potency and improve sexual activity. It also strengthens blood vessels, which has a positive effect on erection. In addition, regular consumption of foods rich in ascorbic acid significantly reduces the risk of prostate adenoma and improves potency.
Foods rich in vitamin E are a source of men's health. In addition to the effect of rejuvenation, tocopherol is responsible for the work of all the endocrine glands of the male body and the production of hormones. All this is inextricably linked with the intimate life of a man, an increase in sexual activity and an improvement in potency.
Vitamin E is found in nuts and pumpkin seeds, in olive and corn oil, egg yolk and meat and dairy products. Hypovitaminosis E can lead to infertility.
Provitamin D group
Cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol are inextricably linked with the synthesis of male hormones. In addition, they strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Prolonged hypovitaminosis D can cause the development of prostate cancer, and this, you see, will in no way improve potency.